Zlab at a Glance
Zlab at a Glance
ZLab Principal Investigator
Prof. Zelevinsky

Prof. Tanya Zelevinsky

Research Interests

Fundamental science with ultracold molecules; atomic and molecular clocks; precision measurements in molecular physics and quantum chemistry.

Special Achievements
Ivan's APS Thesis Award

Our postdoc, Ivan Kozyryev, receives his 2019 APS DAMOP Outstanding Thesis Prize.

Prof. Z's APS Fellowship Award

Prof. Z receives her 2018 APS Fellowhsip at the 2019 DAMOP meeting.

Mickey's APS Thesis Award

Our PhD graduate, Mickey McDonald, receives his 2017 APS DAMOP Outstanding Thesis Prize!

Geoff's teaching award

A graduate student, Geoff Iwata, wins the 2014 Allan M. Sachs Teaching Award.

Gael upside down

A founding lab member, Gael Reinaudi, performs a lab cleanup in 2009.

Science for Everyone

We always enjoy giving tours of our lab and explaining the science behind the mess of cables and mirrors. We have worked with middle school summer camps, as well as with many other student groups. ZLab members have volunteered their time teaching courses to school-aged students, giving public talks, and judging science fair projects at local middle & high schools. We are working with Success Academy High School of the Liberal Arts to provide internship opportunities to students who are interested in science, math, engineering, and programming.

Chris vibrating starch

Chris Osborn demonstrates the wacky properties of a starch-water mix to a middle school summer camp.

Lab Videos

Various videos from ZLab can be accessed by clicking the owl.

Laser light puddles
Lab Logo